Flower Bouquet
This heart shaped Flower Bouquet Craft is so pretty! It’s wonderfully 3D and is very easy to make. It’s a super Mother’s Day craft, Valentine’s Day craft, and is perfect as a birthday gift too.
The pretty flowers are made from hearts and there's a selection of heart shaped messages to glue to the front of the bouquet. The messages come in UK and US spellings.
The printable template can either be colored in or printed/traced onto colored paper.
There are 7 heart shaped labels to choose from. 6 with pre-written messages and one blank so that you can write your own.
The messages are:
- Best Mom / Best Mum
- Happy Mother's Day
- Happy Valentine's Day
- I Heart You
- You're Special
- Happy Birthday
- Blank For You To Write Your Own Message
Templates come in both US and UK spellings and paper sizes.
- 2 page instructions with photographs
- 4 page template to either color in or trace/print onto colored paper
Additional Requirements: printer paper, scissors, glue.
(Optional colouring pens/pencils etc.)
This 3D Flower Bouquet Craft is fun to use for:
- fine motor scissor skills
- following step by step instructions
- combining with plants, flowers, spring or summer study unit
- decorating classrooms
- a reward or extension activity
- combining with a Mother's Day writing activity
- combining with a Valentine's Day writing activity
- Using as a writing prompt
NOTE: This is a DIGITAL product that you will receive to your email.
Terms of Use: All of this product's content is the copyrighted property of Kids Craft Room. It is for non-commercial personal, classroom or public library use only. By downloading these files you agree not to reproduce or distribute them for commercial purposes. You may not alter, transmit, sell or profit in any way from this electronic file or printed copies. You may not store or distribute this file on any other website or location where people could copy, download or print it. (e.g. Facebook groups, Dropbox, email, 4Shared).